Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, mission unaccomplished.

I searched the fashion module last night, and found that there is an open space in the fashion class now! So last night, I called my program director, who called that entire office, only to find they were gone for the day. I got up at 6 this morning to get ready and go down to the office for when they open at 9 so I can have them register me right away. This was my first time venturing out into London by myself.

And it didn't work.

Of course, when I need to do something by myself, things can't be simple. The Oxford Circus tube station was closed because of some accident near there, for "safety reasons," so I wasn't going to be able to get off there. I barely know my way from there, which is the only way we were taught, nevermind feeling confident enough to get off at a different stop and walk to find my way around London alone. So I chickened out, got off at the next station, and took the tube right back.

What a waste of a morning. I have e-mailed my adviser to ask him to register me for it, so hopefully he sees that and does so.

On a lighter note, a couple tourists asked Izabella and I for directions yesterday... so, I guess even though we have NO idea where we are, we look like we do!

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