Friday, January 21, 2011


(Bollocks: slang term in England literally meaning "testicles" but loosely translated to "shit.")

The universe plotted against me this morning.

I wake up at 7:15 and go to take a shower. The shower, however, reached a new level of broken and so NO water was coming out of the shower head at all. Improvising, I took a "shower" by sitting in the tub and leaning my head back to wash my hair under the running water. When that all is finished, I leave the bathroo--- wait. No. The door isn't unlocking. Commence panicking. After about 10 minutes, I was able to break free from the shackles of my poorly functioning "water closet" and finish getting ready. I go to the tube station, get on my train, and begin going to class. Then, at one stop, the announcer mentions that it is a fast train to the Harrow-on-the-Hill station... which is a station after the one I need to go to. I take the train to Harrow-on-the-Hill, and get to the opposite platform to take the same kind of train back one stop. I sit there. And sit there. And THEN they announce the train won't be moving and we'll have to go to another train. Fine. I finally get on the right train, get off at the stop, and proceed to find my classroom... except all the classrooms in this wing are completely abandoned. I go in a few rooms and ask if it is my class, but of course it isn't. So I go down to reception to ask. They don't know. They lead me to a bulletin board where my new classroom assignment, that I was not informed about, is posted, and arrive to my class 5 minutes late despite the fact that I would been there 35 minutes early had I been able to get off at the stop the first time and gone straight to the right room.

Le sigh. Rough start, but it's okay because this is my fashion class and I've been looking forward to this most of all... except... well, to be completely honest, this is my least favorite class. The material is interesting enough, and the professor seems great, but the class is just filled with pretentious snobs. Not my kind of people. I definitely will not be making friends in that class. Now, I know the people in the class shouldn't really influence your experience, but in a class like this where there is an emphasis on student participation and discussion, it's really quite unbearable to listen to these snobby, rude girls. I know this is the fashion industry, but can't we just have a little heart?

The day wasn't entirely awful though. I met up with Jessica, one of my best friends from Montclair studying in Austria who is in London visiting her boyfriend. I hadn't seen her in about 6 months and it was awesome to spend time with her, as well as meet her new beau. She's also picked up an awkward German/British/American accent which I find somewhat hysterical.

Also in good news, I think I might be going to Morocco for four days next week with my friend Rosie! How exciting is that?!

And, check this out. I'm starting to be able to make more than just pasta for myself.

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