Thursday, January 27, 2011


In Art and Society today, we visited St. Paul's Cathedral and climbed the 528 stairs to the top (good thing I didn't buy a gym membership here!). You weren't allowed to take pictures inside, because it's disrespectful to worshipers, but you know what I say? I'm going to hell anyway. Might as well take pictures. I only got yelled at for it once!

It was absolutely beautiful inside, though. We learned in class beforehand all about its history and the architect, and the past behind this cathedral is incredible. Old St. Paul's, the first cathedral, burned down in the Great London Fire in 1666 (like the rhyme, "In 1666, London burned like sticks"). When rebuilding this one, the architect had studied a lot of Italian style buildings and wanted to create something in that style. There was a concern, however, about the building looking too Catholic, since it's a protestant church and not a Roman Catholic church. The architect presented a very boring idea first, probably to throw them off, and they said it was too modest because it looked too much like the first one and they wanted to use this opportunity as a clean slate (they were also going to create central London into an easier grid pattern, but people wanted their EXACT properties back after the fire... selfish people. Didn't you realize hundreds of years later I would be here and be completely confused by your complicated city layout?!). This gave him creative grounds, however, to present a much more radical idea: the dome shape. They thought this was much too Italian, so he drafted a new one which had the traditional narrow steeple at top and just a small dome underneath... but being the sassy architect he was, he went ahead and built what he wanted to anyway. I like him.

Other than that, today is Housewife Day. I am doing all the things today that you prefer not to think about when you think about how cool it would be to live in a flat on your own: cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Cleaning is no problem, my room is only a little cluttered from my care package materials (yes, my family and boyfriend sent me the raddest care package, equipped with candy, peanut butter, and cough medicine). Grocery shopping is incredibly annoying because I feel like I live there part time, but I do need to eat so I'll suffer.

Laundry, however, is a whole new animal. First of all, let's talk about the outrageous price. One washing machine costs 4 pounds to use. 4 POUNDS. That's about $6.36! That doesn't include the dryer either. The dryer is 20p (p = pence, which is like .20... if you have five 20p coins, you have 1 pound) for 3.5 minutes. Um, 3.5 minutes? So, I have to spend another whole pound to dry my clothes for less than 20 minutes?!

And if you're like me, your clothes are important to you, and you don't want to shove them all into one wash and have colors bleed all over the place and garments get destroyed. So, I have to separate my laundry into lights, darks, and towels/sheets. Well, the machines only take 20p or 1 pound coins. I was short on these, and the lady didn't have enough change to break my 10 pound bill. So, I only had enough money to do two loads (towels/sheets, and darks), and could only dry them for 17.5 minutes. That did absolutely nothing. Plus, I washed darks because most of my clothes are dark and my light load is very small, so I'm hoping to combine it with a friends light color load. However, majority of my underwear is light in color, so I still have only a few pairs of underwear now.

Even better? I have all my towels and clothes hanging up all around my room. Literally not a single space that can occupy an item isn't covered. I have underwear strung on my door handle. There are towels on my shelf. Sorry Mom, but the Dr. Seuss book you gave me for graduation is holding up underwear right now. I can't even sit on my chair because it's occupied by socks. My sheets are draped throughout the kitchen because I ran out of space in here.

I have reached a new level of ghetto.

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