Friday, April 15, 2011


My dad thinks it's time for a new blog post. Maybe it is... but I have literally nothing to report.

Now that it is University of Westminster's spring break month (yes, month, the whole month of April), I have even LESS obligations than I did before. I have a paper due on the 21st and another on the 28th, but that's it. Period. For the rest of my classes, nothing else. May is exam month, but all of my classes had papers instead of exams, so I'm off all of April and May.

Yes, boo hoo, poor Kate is complaining about two months free when everyone else is stressing out about A, B, or C. I'm just so bored though... and I never get bored. Ever. There is always something for me to do to occupy my time. Being bored sucks. I never knew, because I NEVER GET BORED. London wins again.

I've been sleeping til about 1:00 everyday. I have no reason to be that tired... and I'm actually not that tired. I'm sleeping that late as an activity. It's something to do. I've set my alarm for 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 even... but it goes off, and I think to myself, "...why?" What am I going to do if I get up? It just means I'll have a few more hours to sit around on Facebook and eat Girl Scout cookies.

I have done things... just very minimal. I went to Regent's Park with Kentucky on Sunday, Green Park with Kentucky on Monday (for a grand total of a half hour because it suddenly got cold), Greenwich Park with Ali on Tuesday, hung out with Mike for a few hours Wednesday night, and today Ali and I went to Hatchard's Bookshop (the oldest bookstore in London, from 1797, and I bought two fabulous books on fashion). I've also hung out with my flatmates a couple nights, which has been really fun. So, I have been making an attempt. All of these activities have only amounted to probably 3 hours maximum each. The day is much longer than that. I've been reading "East of Eden" by John Steinback again, because it's one of my favorite books, and reading the newspaper. I've been doing my Italian lessons on Rosetta Stone. I've been working on my résumé, looking at internships, and creating my LinkedIn professional profile. All of these are things that happen within the confines of my room though.

I've also been stressing myself out about the future. I really, really, really want to do an internship at Tom's Shoes out in Santa Monica. REALLY want to. However, my mom advises against getting an internship straight out of graduation... and my dominating logical side agrees with her. I started to consider graduating a semester early and doing the internship in the Spring... but this would prevent me from being able to be the fashion club president at Montclair next year. It almost came down to a choice between the fashion club and the Tom's internship... and choosing between the two is impossible for me.

So I want both. While I know logically it might not be the best idea, I'm almost 90% sure I am going to go for the internship next summer. I know I should get a job right out of school, and I will still apply to jobs too. This is just an experience that I really would feel like I was missing out on if I didn't do it. It's everything I'm about... fashion, marketing, helping the world, and shoes. Plus, it's a paid internship, it's out in Santa Monica, and their interns actually get to do things. Legitimate things. It's not a coffee running position. Would I want to work for Tom's forever? I don't know... but I would love to do this.

It has also occurred to Ali and I that this summer is our last time of freedom ever until we graduate... and I'm doing an internship during it. So, my last break was last summer... and I slaved away at Bowling Green during it. If I had only known during Summer 2009 that it would be my last moment forever, I would have enjoyed it more. Alas, I didn't know. So, I think doing this internship and living out in Los Angeles for the summer before I start the real world might be a really awesome last "hurrah." Sorry, mom.

The point is... I've been tremendously bored, and when I'm bored I have more time to think, and when I have more time to think I drive myself crazy with my thoughts, and then I have a brain aneurysm. T-minus 10... 9... 8...

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